8 Jan 2022

January: Looking backwards or looking forwards?


I guess it all depends on where you’re at in the month of January. Maybe the looking backwards has already been done at the turning of the year and looking forward to the year ahead has already begun.

January is named after the Roman god Janus, here in this statue in Vienna looking a bit grim and definitely two-faced as he surveys what’s behind him with a serious face. Yet looking forward into the eyes of Bellona, goddess of war, there’s a gentleness and softness to his features. Could he be trying to defuse a difficult situation? 

Janus, in Roman mythology, was the god of gateways, doorways, archways and new beginnings – you get the drift. With one face turned to the past maybe his wisdom would have been sought in bringing forward into the future the positive aspects of life experiences tasted in the year gone by. The face turned towards the future would be seeking out the new; a clean slate waiting to be drawn upon in creative, innovative ways.

Well, that’s my take on it anyway. In the face of so any challenges and changes in the world we live in - and there are plenty of these right now -  we need some breakthroughs. And positivity. Good will. Warmth. Sharing of resources for those in need. Less selfish moneygrabbing and protection of wealth by those who are not in need. I could go on…..

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