All books by Bruno and Louise Huber are available from Amazon.
"Aspect Pattern Astrology" - Understanding motivation through aspect patterns. Essential refernce work. The aspect pattern reveals the structure and basic motivations of our consciousness. Over 45 distinct aspect patterns are indentified, each with its own meaning.
"The Planets and their Psychological Meaning" - shows how the positions of the planets are fundamental to horoscope interpretation. They represent basic archetypal qualities present in everyone, giving clues to psychological abilities and characteristics, growth and spiritul development. A best seller.
"The Astrological Houses"- shows how the houses relate to ourselves in the world, providing a foundation stone for the psychological application of astrology.
"LifeClock" - the horoscope is seen as a clock for the person's lifetime, with the Age Point indicating their age as the "time" on the clock. Invariably shows significant correspondences between the birth chart and meaningful events in life.
"Astrological Psychosynthesis" - Bruno Huber's introduction to this holistic approach to astrology and Assagioli's psychosynthesis, following the premise that the soul is at the root of all developmental processes. Focus on intelligence, ntegration, relationships.
"Moon Node Astrology" - combines psychology with reincarnation, bringing a new astrological focus on the shadow personality and the individual's evolutionary process. Includes the psycholgical approach used with the Moon's Nodes and the Node Chart.
"Astrology and the Seven Rays" - linking astrology with the seven rays of the ageless wisdom. Introduces how they can be determined in the horoscope. The book is a transcript of the course the Hubers gave in the UK in 1998, and includes the question and answer sessions with students. A best seller.
"Astrolog 1: Life and Meaning"- selection of articles, by various authors including the Hubers, translated from the German-language magazine AstroLog, on astrological psychology and its relevance to life and meaning,
"Astrolog 2: Family, Relationships & Health" - second selection of articles, by various authors including the Hubers, translated from AstroLog. Their subjects relate to astrological psychology and it use in the context of family members, personal relationships and individual health.
Click here to see a short video of Bruno and Louise Huber, made available by the Spanish Huber School. This was made in 1999 and is the only video of the Hubers that we know of.