Apollo11 lift off 16.7.1969, 13.32 GMT, Kennedy Space Centre, Florida

It may be 40 years since the first Moon landing, but this month the event is getting a lot of publicity as this memorable event is analysed and celebrated. I was fascinated, on looking at the charts shown above of the Apollo 11 lift off, the landing of the lunar module and the first step taken on the Moon by Neil Armstrong, to see the presence of what looks like a Kite aspect figure. However, the Kite never quite forms completely, although all the component parts are there.

The Kite aspect pattern is a potentially creative pattern which shows a lot of blue all round the outside, and has a red strut passing through its centre. The blue aspects relate to structure and form, the red to activity and in this pattern, to energy held in tension. But in the lift off and Moon landings charts the Kite never fully forms, thus keeping the component parts - a Large and a Small Talent triangle - appearing to try and dock into position to form the complete pattern. This never quite happens during the time scale shown in the charts.
The Kite aspect pattern is a potentially creative pattern which shows a lot of blue all round the outside, and has a red strut passing through its centre. The blue aspects relate to structure and form, the red to activity and in this pattern, to energy held in tension. But in the lift off and Moon landings charts the Kite never fully forms, thus keeping the component parts - a Large and a Small Talent triangle - appearing to try and dock into position to form the complete pattern. This never quite happens during the time scale shown in the charts.
In "Aspect Pattern Astrology" the Hubers say of the planet at the Kite's tail "...its need and latent abilities make their presence felt. This planet usually indicates the task to be accomplished by the [red] opposition. We call this the peak planet, to which everything in the Kite figure points or is oriented." But in this particular Kite that never quite forms, there is no planet at the Tail, only the Moon's North Node. This has no energy as such, and doesn't operate like a planet at all. It's a signpost, pointing the way. Placed in Pisces, the directions and aims might be a bit vague and beset with idealism. Does this begin to sound just a bit like the aims of being first on the Moon? Especially as no-one has been back there since!
Far be it from me to knock the achievement of having successfully put living humans from Earth on the Moon, and to have brought them back safely. It was an exciting, historic event. The planets at the nose end of the Kite, Jupiter and Uranus, are symbolic of Uranian technological expertise going hand-in-hand with adventuring Jupiter. Their conjunction in these charts speaks of risk, vision and the expansion of our horizons alongside new scientific understanding.
The Moon's Node is opposite Pluto, holding the red energy in the almost-pattern in a state of stored tension, ready to be used and available when required. I see Pluto hovering near Jupiter/Uranus in these charts like the end of a powerful wand being waved by the Node at the tail of the almost-Kite. What's also interesting is the progression of the Moon's Node in these charts through the houses, representing the environment. When Neil Armstrong spoke his now famous and sometimes disputed phrase "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind" the Node was in the 10th house, the area of expression associated with achievement, individuality and recognition by the rest of the world.
And just in case you're in any doubt about the the role Pluto might have played in the Apollo 11 mission, here's a shot I took when I visited NASA in Houston last year. It's of the engines on a life-size replica of the Saturn V rocket which blasted off from Cape Canaveral on 16th July, 40 years ago.
Far be it from me to knock the achievement of having successfully put living humans from Earth on the Moon, and to have brought them back safely. It was an exciting, historic event. The planets at the nose end of the Kite, Jupiter and Uranus, are symbolic of Uranian technological expertise going hand-in-hand with adventuring Jupiter. Their conjunction in these charts speaks of risk, vision and the expansion of our horizons alongside new scientific understanding.
The Moon's Node is opposite Pluto, holding the red energy in the almost-pattern in a state of stored tension, ready to be used and available when required. I see Pluto hovering near Jupiter/Uranus in these charts like the end of a powerful wand being waved by the Node at the tail of the almost-Kite. What's also interesting is the progression of the Moon's Node in these charts through the houses, representing the environment. When Neil Armstrong spoke his now famous and sometimes disputed phrase "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind" the Node was in the 10th house, the area of expression associated with achievement, individuality and recognition by the rest of the world.
And just in case you're in any doubt about the the role Pluto might have played in the Apollo 11 mission, here's a shot I took when I visited NASA in Houston last year. It's of the engines on a life-size replica of the Saturn V rocket which blasted off from Cape Canaveral on 16th July, 40 years ago.
I had never thought of the situation of having a node be the focus of a chart like this; fascinating. My natal is a strong kite too, so it's always nice to see it getting some attention! Great work.
Thanks Shannon!
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