Bruo says there are "differences between innate intelligence and conditioned intelligence". This is so important to bear in mind in view of current proliferation of AI as its development moves apace. Does it have the potential to push aside more tried, tested and conventional routes to problem-solving and finding answers? Is it, could it be, a good thing? Or are we in danger of being overtaken by robots?
Much is written about AI at the moment, and it's easy to overlook the deeper meaning of the "A" part of its moniker. "A" stands for "artificial" - defined in the Concise Oxford Dictionary as "produced by human art or effort rather than originating naturally", with Artifical Intelligence defined as "the application of computers to areas normally regarded as requiring human intelligence".
That's the nub of it the conflict - human or artificial intelligence? How to choose, how to use AI responsibly? And which would you choose? As Shakespeare said, "Ay, there's the rub".
Personally, give me the real human stuff everytime, although I appreciate that AI can be beneficial if used wisely and responsibly. AI is not real, It has no heart, no feelings, no morals and will only be as good, skilled, clever, capable and knowledgeable as the information it gleans from what is already available.
How about intelligence in the horoscope? Where would you look for it? Which planets or significators would you home in on? Bruno Huber suggests that for well-functioning intelligence we could look at:
Mercury - gathers up information and, combining our memory bank (Saturn) with observations (Jupiter), allows us to arrive at logical conclusions, communicate these and strive for synthesis. With Mercury we can learn things by rote - very AI, parroting information in a logical manner - and it can be useful in synthesing facts, but it functions mainly as a gatherer of information, vacuuming up what's out there in an fairly indiscriminate way.
Saturn - ability to retain, store and recall knowledge and observations. AI again, especially as Saturn relates to organisation, systems, regulations, boundaries and structure. However, for humans, Saturn is the keeper of our memory store, based on real experiences we have had. It's the keeper of those memory banks, personal to all of us as individuals, and the guardian of not overstepping the mark and keeping us safe. Saturn might hold us back and make us cautious when challenged to do something new, but this can be counterbalanced by Jupiter's adventurous spirit and Mercury's grasp of the facts.
Saturn is important, and combined with Jupiter and Mercury the three planets working together are fundamental to human intelligence and intellect.
One final thought on looking for indicators of intelligence in the natal chart - the aspect patterns can offer clues as to how and in what areas of life the individual uses their human intelligence. One of these patterns is called the Ear/Eye or Information triangle, which acts as a sensor picking up all manner of unrelated facts and interesting snippets from the environment, very Mercurial and again AI-like. But in astrological psychology, this aspect pattern relies on being connected to other parts of the chart and other planets. We are, after all, real and not computers!
Suggested reading - Aspect Pattern Astrology and Aspect Patterns in Colour,