9 Aug 2022

"Be nice and be kind"

On Twitter, I follow a very pleasant and knowledgable man - @AlanDaviesbirds. Look him up - he usually has something very positive to say, as well as being extremely well-versed in all things birdy.

You may wonder why I'm writing about this. It's because his tweets about birds invariably include the words "be nice and be kind". It's an ongoing reminder, in these dark, troubled and unsettling times, that we can all put something positive out there as we go about our daily lives.
What is there to gain by being grumpy, miserable, rude and nasty to others, most of whom, on Twitter, we've never met? Would we still be so cuttingly nasty in a face to face situation, I wonder?

Thinking about putting out positivity in all areas of cour daily lives led me to think about which planet/energy, viewed through an astrological psychology lens, might be involved.

Venus maybe, as it's the planet closely associated with relating to others, along with beauty and harmony. Then there's Neptune, notching things up to a higher and often far more inclusive level.
Neptune is most likely to be the source of kindness, unconditional acceptance and non-judgemental love at its highest level - the level of mind - where "there is a desire for universal love as the highest ideal"  to quote from their book, The Planets, by Bruno and Louise Huber. 
On Neptune, they continue, "There is a heightened sensitivity and a refined awareness of communication (empathy) that breaks through all walls and flows from heart to heart.This is what Assagioli called loving understanding".

Could this be you, or me, putting this loving understanding into action and remembering to do and be this in our everyday lives? Of course, we all lapse, but if we forget about being kind, pleasant, helpful, inclusive and positive towards others, we stand in line to get an unpleasant reminder if the vitriol comes out in response!

We get back what we give out.

The Planets and their Psychological Meaning by Bruno and Louise Huber offers in-depth details of all the planets used in the natal chart.

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