21 Jun 2010

The Planets go Hiking in Lion Country

I recently visited the Chisos mountains area of Big Bend National Park in the south of Texas where mountain lions (cougars) and black bears roam. This was the sign by the trail near the cabin where I was staying, and I read it carefully before setting off on a hike, especially as I'd heard that a lion had been seen chasing deer near the reception area the night before! I was hiking with a small group, in daylight, so the likelihood of seeing a lion was pretty small....nevertheless, Saturnian caution was advised. Here's the trail we were hiking along (note: plenty of undergrowth as cover for lions...)

And here's how I was reacting on that hike, very aware of the drives, characteristics and motivations of some of the planets:

Mercury - I was using my ears, listening out for any rustling sounds in the undergrowth and paying attention to all details around me, such as tracks on the ground.

Jupiter - my all-round peripheral sensory awareness was very alert, my senses were primed and I was aware that what I was doing contained an element of risk (but hang on, said my more rational Sun, it's broad daylight, lions usually hunt around dusk, or when it's dark. Never mind that, chipped in Saturn, remember you read an article earlier this year about someone being attacked by a cougar in broad daylight....).

Venus and Saturn were in cahoots for this hike, making sure that what I was wearing was practical and sensible - sensible clothing and shoes, sunhat, sun screen, bottle of water etc. - all tasteful of course...

Sun made the decision to go on this hike, with Mars tagging along to provide the energy and impetus to do so, keeping me going when walking uphill got a bit challenging in the heat, and staying on red alert for fight or flight if I did see a lion.

Did I see a lion? No. But it was interesting to observe my reactions to this situation and the feelings that went with them. The nearest I got up close and personal to the local wildlife was when a skunk crept up behind me in the dark and stood pretty close. And no, it didn't spray.

7 Jun 2010

Sex, Money, Relationships and Scandal on the Fixed Cross

Have you noticed that many of the current scandals which have beset the British government of late have a strong theme of money, sex, relationships and possessions?

The recent exposure of MP's expenses claims comes to mind, with loud protestations from them that they were only following the rules and hadn't done anything wrong. Acknowledging that the rules may not have been clear, along with prompt repayment on the part of many MP's, there's also been an element of wanting to hang on to what possessions and privileges they have.

The current financial crisis and the dire situation with the banks which went into a tail spin last year is another example of Fixed Cross behaviour. Some bankers are STILL walking away with huge bonuses, while small businesses can't get the loans they need to keep them going and the banks will not lend.

The Fixed Cross in astrology is about hanging on tightly to what you already have. This is usually money and possessions, both personal and shared. The 2nd house, associated with the sign of Taurus, is about personal possessions - all the things you wouldn't want to give up because you've worked for them and they are yours. You want to hang on tight.

The 8th house, associated with the sign of Scorpio, is about shared, communal possessions - like paying tax (please note, any offshore tax evaders who may be reading this - we need your money and it's time to pay your whack if you use UK benefits when you come here but don't contribute to them). Shared possessions are for the benefit and good of all, like street lighting, bin collections, maintaining roads etc. The 8th house is also about large corporations (like banks, already mentioned).... and if you're beginning to wonder where the sex comes in, that's associated with Scorpio too, the sign which is supposedly the sexiest in the zodiac. Or so they say....

Recent scandals in the new coalition government have seen a manifestation of the Fixed Cross at work. The newly-appointed Chief Secretary to the Treasury, David Laws, has resigned because of accommodation expenses he claimed which were bound up with his relationship with someone he declared was not his partner, sexual or otherwise.

Enter then the relationships axis on the Fixed Cross. This is found in the 5th house, associated with the sign of Leo, and the 11th house, associated with the sign of Aquarius.

The Fixed Cross is the most difficult one to break away from and not be bound to, because to let go of what we own, what we have, what we are and who we like to associate with is one of the hardest challenges we can face. You can hear me talking about the 2nd and 8th houses here: