16 Oct 2024

The Moon in your birth chart


This was a "supermoon", photo taken on 27th April 2021   

I've revisited this post I wrote about the Moon some time ago, because the Moon  strongly and symbolically relates to our feelings, and feelings.....oh boy, they can, from time to time, get us into hot water. They can be repressed, bubbling and seething away away beneath the surface, and they can burst out suddenly and unexpectedly in a whole rush of emotion.

So a few suggestions and thoughts about the Moon might set you on a journey of exploration of how your own Moon/emotions/feelings is or can be. 

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The Moon in astrological psychology represents the sense of self we gain through our feelings and emotions, and in the natal chart it can indicate how we might go about getting our emotional needs met. The Moon is also an indicator of the inner child.

It can signify our spontaneous and fun-loving child-like responses, and it also acts like a mirror, reflecting what's going on around us because it can sense and pick up on atmospheres and feelings very easily. It's an important sensing tool, the part of us that feels.

Of course, the way the Moon operates and expresses itself out in the world will be coloured by the Zodiac Sign it's in, which acts like a "costume" which clothes the Moon and modifies its expression. On a basic bottom line level, its expression is influenced by the Element (Fire, Earth, Air or Water) of that Sign, so I'll make a few suggestions here:

Fire Sign Moons - those in fiery Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - will tend towards optimism and enthusiasm. Fiery Moons want to be noticed. They will be lively, expressive and outspoken with energetic feelings that demand attention.

Earth Sign Moons - those in earthy Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - will have a strong practical streak. They may be a bit fussy, but they are down-to-earth and generally enjoy sensual things, espcially Taurus Moons. They will appreciate good quality in all areas of life.

Air Sign Moons - those in airy Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - love to communicate and share ideas with others, so they enjoy seeing friends and family, chatting and catching up on news, attending talks, lectures and events which will stimulate the mind.

Water Sign Moons - those in watery Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces - tend to be very emotionally sensitive and tuned in to the feelings of others. They can be very caring, needing to express their feelings and regard for others in tangible ways. But they can also be moody, living life through their feeling nature.

The Moon, representing the sense of self we get through our feelings, is often a part of the personality which is neglected or repressed. We may have been brought up not to show our feelings; they might have been regarded as unacceptable or not something to share or talk about in the environment we grew up in. But they are there all the same, and sometimes they need our attention. 
It's worth noting here that the sign the Moon is in is only one layer of understanding and interpreting it in a chart. The aspect pattern it's in, the other planets it connects with and the house/area of life experience it's in all have to be considered.

In this video I talk about some of the ways we can work on developing and understanding the Moon and our feeling nature. There is more on this in my book The Living Birth Chart. Click on the Books by Joyce Hopewell tab at the top of the page.


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