Who could fail to have an interest in topics covering the Family Model, and the effect our upbringing has on us as children and as adults; or in how we can understand more about our relationships, including the Huber Method of "Clicks" in horoscope comparison; and in how using the natal chart can bring greater awareness to our health and well-being. There really is something for everyone in this book. Here is the description from the back cover:
AstroLog II: Family, Relationships & Health
Paperback, 306pp, Cover price £15
This is the second volume of articles from the German-language magazine AstroLog to be published in English, following on from the first book Astrolog I: Life and Meaning. The articles are by a variety of authors, including Bruno and Louise Huber and API tutors Wolfhard König and Ruth Schmidhauser.
The book is in four parts, each containing articles related to a specific theme:
Part 1: The Family - astrological psychology related to developmental psychology and family counselling.
Part 2: Children and Upbringing - how astrological psychology can help with upbringing, from theoretical and practical perspectives.
Part 3: Relationships - the psychology of relationships and the use of various types of 'click' horoscopes, and a particular perspective on mother/daughter relationships and the story of Snow White.
Part 4: Health and Therapies - the use of astrological psychology in the context of health issues and the alternative therapies of Bach Flower Remedies and Tarot.AstroLog II: Family, Relationships & Health is available from the APA on-line Book Shop
I wish you the best of luck with the book.
Thank you Posh - I hope you'll but it and have a read!
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