I wanted to look at actor Ewan McGregor’s chart after recently watching the entire series of “Long Way Round” on CD. For those who’ve not heard of this, in 2004 McGregor, along with actor friend Charley Boorman, rode 20,000 miles on motorbikes from London to New York via the long route across Europe, into Russia, through Kazakhstan and Mongolia, flying to Alaska and then through Canada and the US to New York. It was an epic and hazardous journey and the series makes for compulsive viewing. The men undertook the journey as a personal challenge and as UNICEF ambassadors.
Ewan McGregor was born on 31.3.1971 at 20.10 in Perth, Scotland (thanks Caroline, my Scottish Data Queen). What I noticed when first looking at it was the all-red Efficiency Triangle pinned by his Aries Sun, Mars and Uranus. Watching the series it was evident that Ewan was often in urgent need to take action, to do something and get things moving. His strongly placed Sun at 10 degrees Aries feeds into this, together with the excess red/Cardinal motivation in the colour balance in his chart ( 5 red: 3 green: 4 blue).
All 3 planets in the Efficiency Triangle are either on or close to 11 degrees, the strongest placement within a Sign than a planet can have. Whilst Sun opposite Uranus on the 6th/12th House axis of Existence will also feed into his motivation to be up and doing something, Mars at the apex of this triangle is intercepted in cautious Capricorn, bringing a steadying influence to what might otherwise be headstrong and erratic behaviour. McGregor was usally the one who lost his cool and occasionally erupted, or who wanted to get moving when the bikes were stuck, yet he also demonstrated sound common sense, self-preservation and bonhomie towards the people he met on the journey, especially when their host in Russia appeared waving a Kalashnikov at a party he’d invited them to!
McGregor has several strongly placed and cuspal planets. Any planet placed just before a House cusp will be urgently seeking recognition; those on the cusp or just after it will be very strongly expressed out in the world. Moon, Venus, Saturn and Pluto all fall into these categories, making McGregor a person it would be hard to ignore. His stardom and reputation as an actor bear this out, and although I’ve seen him on the screen, just being himself on this journey with Boorman he comes across as a thoroughly nice guy (if at times a bit impatient!).
The “Long Way Round” journey was undertaken in 2004 when McGregor’s Age Point was appropriately conjunct his Aries Sun. The two men have this year taken another trip (“Long Way Down”) travelling from John o’Groats in Scotland to Cape Town in South Africa, this as McGregor’s Age Point at age 36 crosses the DC and brings him even more closely into contact with the “You” - those we meet out in the world. The account of their journey through Africa will be screened by the BBC this autumn.
Watching the series, I observed the way both men coped with the situations, challenges, and with meeting other people along the way. My feeling was that Ewan was a Sun Aries and Charley was a Sun Libra (opposite Signs) as they complemented each other so well, yet were entirely different. But as I watched this whilst away on holiday I wasn’t able to check out their data until I was back. Charley turns out to be not a Libran but a Leo - another Fire Sign - so I was wrong with Charley but right with Ewan. I will take a look at Charley’s chart soon, but haven’t been able to find his time of birth - does anyone out there have it?
A great synopsis of Ewan's chart, Joyce! Really captured the all-action and enduring qualites of Aries/Capricorn planetary connections. Curious to know more about the Huber method now...!
Diana C
Hi Celestia,
Thank you kindly! I only look at the charts of people who interest me, and Ewan certainly did.
If your appetite for Huber is whetted, see our website:
and give us a call if you want to speak to someone and find out more.
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