You can read more on Mimi's blog, and if you're a fellow blogger you can join and make your own peace globe, sign it, decorate it and display it with pride. Here's mine:

Venus, the planet associated with harmony, concord and relating in a peaceful and peace-loving manner, is in Gemini, the Sign of communication. So spread the word, and do something positive too - be the peace you want to see in the world.
Here's my thought for the day, a quote from Carlos Santana:
"Peace has never come from dropping bombs.
Real peace comes from enlightenment
and educating people to behave in a more divine manner"
Real peace comes from enlightenment
and educating people to behave in a more divine manner"
A quote from Carlos Santana....perfect! Quite the musician AND humanitarian. Thank you for blogging for peace today. It has been amazing to read the posts and see the beautiful creations.
Peace to you and yours,
I love the astrological information you shared with us today. WOW. What a great post and globe.
Thank you for blogging for peace today. You, and hundreds of other bloggers, make a cosmic shift.
And I love Carlos too!
Peace to you and yours,
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