22 Feb 2013

Astrology E-books or real books?

Are you an e-book or a real book person? Which do you prefer - the tactile sensations of handling a real book, its smell and the feel of its cover? Or are you happy to travel light, with your e-books safely downloaded on to a reading device, which can be a very convenient alternative.

Those who prefer the real, hard copy book thing will probably indulge their Jupiters and/or any planets that are in tactile Taurus. Those who are the techno-lovers of transportable e-readers will be indulging all things Uranian and Aquarian in their charts.

I like to have the choice of both - I like real books and I like the convenience of my e-reader when I'm travelling away from home and my bookshelves. I also like the range and choice of books I can take with me on an e-reader, and I make sure it's packed ready with plenty to read before I go away (although I can, of course, download books from anywhere which has to be an advantage!).

All the books I've written are now available in paperback and e-reader versions, including Aspect Patterns in Colour - and it is presented in full colour in the e-reader version so you the reader will gain the greatest benefit from learning about the 40+ aspect patterns that are used in the Huber Method of Astrological Psychology.

Bruno and Louise Huber's introduction of colour into their use of the natal chart was ground-breaking and significant. The psychology of colour and its importance is covered in the Diploma course training offered by the Astrological Psychology Association, and the use of colour is often what attracts newcomers and experienced astrologers alike to the Huber Method. Colour is an integral part of the inner motivation, as shown by the overall aspect structure in the chart and in the individual aspect patterns. Each pattern operates in a distinctive way and reveals how motivational behaviour may be expressed and observed in everyday life.

Don't take my word for it - if you're interested in astrological psychology, a book - or an e-book - is a good place to start!


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi .. I think you are the lady that knows my friend Barbara , who lives in Paris .. she told me how she has started to study astrology again ,after making friends with you ..

Can we have a chart done, or maybe a mini chart??

I am a BOOK person, tried E-books but no success so far :-)

Joyce Hopewell said...

Hi Anne - your I do remember you & I do know Barbara too. Great you've started to look at astrology - help yourself to a free chart! Go to the page tab saying "Free Huber Chart" on my blog and follow the links to get your free chart.

Being well & truly a book person, it sounds like your Jupiter and Taurus energies enjoy the tactile book experiences much more!