22 Mar 2011

The Astrological Houses

The Astrological Houses: A Psychological View of Ourselves and Our World

I'm pleased to be announcing a new publication on the Huber Method of Astrological Psychology, and one which acted as my "bible" and main source of additional information when I first became a student of the Astrological Psychology Association back in 1986.

Before this updated version was published, I read it and was as impressed now as I was 25 years ago by the breadth, depth and scope of its contents. I'd term it "essential reading" and a classic in its own right. It's available from the APA on-line Bookshop, and the summary shown below outlines the contents. This book does what it says on the tin, and as one reviewer says:

"This is a book filled with illuminating thinking and having worked with the Huber's approach to chart interpretation for some 30 years, I can assure any propsective reader that it really works!"

Summary:This is a revised version of the classic book by Bruno & Louise Huber, first issued as 'Man and His World' in 1978. A thorough understanding of the houses is essential for psychological analysis of the horoscope because the houses establish the actual framework of individual personality and relationship to the environment. Unlike earlier approaches, the twelve houses are considered not as a classic space structure but as dynamic developmental tendencies that result from the combination of crosses (modes) and temperaments (elements). This book shows how the houses relate to ourselves and to our life experience in the world, providing a foundation stone for astrological psychology.

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